Welcome to St. Mark Church
We’d be very pleased if you would join us for Adult Bible study and Sunday school (9:00 AM) followed by Sunday Service (10:15 AM) though there’s no requirement to attend the former in order to worship with us at the latter.
During the summer, Memorial Day Sunday through Labor Day Sunday, there is no Adult Bible study or Sunday school. Sunday Service is held at 9:15 AM during the summer.
We understand that visiting a church for the first time can be somewhat unsettling so, in order to minimize the difficulty, here’s what you can expect when you arrive at St. Mark:
- Ample parking directly off of West College Avenue in Normal. In fact, there are designated parking spaces for visitors; please use one so it doesn’t go to waste.
- You’ll be greeted at the door by a warm, friendly, smiling face. Please feel free to smile back.
- Once inside, restrooms and water fountains are to the right and down the hall on the left.
- If a restroom or drink isn’t an immediate need, the worship area is to the left through the double doors.
- Aside from pastor’s chair, there are no reserved seats so sit where you’re most comfortable.
- No one will “call you out” during the service. Pastor opens the service by saying something like, “It’s great to see everyone today and we extend a warm welcome to our visitors. We hope you’ll worship with us again.”
- The order of worship is provided in the folder you’ll be given at the door. You’ll be asked to use Christian Worship, the red book found in the pew in front of you, for the hymns and the psalm.
- There is no need for you to make an offering however, if you are so inclined, we won’t turn down a contribution to the Lord’s work.
- Just as we respect those that stand by their convictions, we hope you’ll respect ours. One way we show our conviction is through the practice of “close communion.” Our intent is certainly not to hurt anyone’s feelings but rather to uphold what God has taught us. Please read, contemplate, and hopefully appreciate the following statement of our faith:
- “Holy communion is three-dimensional. One dimension is the union effected by the real presence of the Savior in the bread and the wine. Another is the union between Christ and each communicant. A third dimension is the union between the communicants who celebrate the Lord's Supper. Their oneness in faith is a prerequisite for communing together. Oneness in faith means agreement in all the articles of faith set forth in God's Word (Matthew 28:20). It is a contradiction of the word ‘communion’ when people who are not in doctrinal agreement commune together.”
- If you are interested in learning more about our doctrine and practices, Pastor Lindke would be happy to meet with you.
- After service we file out as the usher directs, greet Pastor, and have fellowship in the foyer. Please consider visiting for a few minutes so we can get to know you better and answer any questions that you may have. We’d also like you to sign our guest register which is on the left after you leave the worship area.
- If you are interested in learning more about what our synod and what we stand for, please visit our synod's website.